Hi everyone! My name Sandra Jivcovici and I'm the Directorof Admissions here at Bell Language School.
Today I'm going to be telling you about howyou can apply to our wonderful school AND get an F-1 student visa to come to the USand study.
So, you may be wondering, what exactly ISan F-1 visa right? If your plan is to come to the US and study, you will need this typeof visa.
As an F-1, you will also be required to study full time, which means 18 hours ormore per week.
Are you ready to get started? Let's go through the 5 steps now Ok, so, you've checked our website, you'vechecked our program prices, and you've decided on a start date.
You're ready to start yourregistration.
There are just 5 simple Steps on how to applyfor an F-1 visa: 1.
First, you have to send us an online applicationwhich can be found on our website.
Second, after you send us your documents,an initial payment, you will get an international student package in the mail which containsan I-20 form and other documents from the school required to apply for an F-1 visa.
Third, You must pay the SEVIS fee and apply for your visa interview online.
Step 4, Go to the interview and receive your F-1 student visa5.
And finally step 5, pack your suitcase and come to Bell Language school.
Alright, now let's go into more detail about how you can complete the 5 steps, step bystep.
Register and pay the invoiceThe first step is to register online on our website at www.
Simply chooseyour language on the website and click on the big red button – Apply Online.
And thenfill out the application form.
On the application form please type your nameusing English letters only exactly as it appears on your passport.
Enter your date of birthand your country of citizenship.
Include your permanent address in your home country, includinghouse number, street name, apartment number, city, postal code and country.
If you alreadyhave a place to stay in the US, please enter the COMPLETE address on the form, if you don't,leave that space blank.
If you don't, leave that space blank.
Check the schedule of sessionson our website, and choose your preferred start date.
Choose your preferred length ofstudy by telling us how many 6-week sessions you are planning to study for.
Please makesure to fill in all the blanks that apply for you.
Especially those marked with an asterisk,very important.
Before submitting, please check to make sure that all the informationyou've entered is correct.
Then click on the submit button and wait for our confirmationemail with instructions.
It's as easy as that! Within 48 hours, a Bell School representativewill process your application form and send you a confirmation email with an invoice attached.
The confirmation email will include details, step by step instructions that will help youfinish your registration.
First you will need to scan some documents to us.
Please send us a scanned copy of your passport.
We need the page with your photoand personal information.
Or passport information only and a scanned copy of either your own personal bank statement or a sponsor's bank statement.
If you have a sponsor then pleasescan us a copy of their bank statement along with the sponsorship letter which can be easilyfound on our website.
For sponsors that are US citizens or permanent residents, an affidavitof support form which is known as an I-134 form is required.
You can find this form onour website as well.
The bank statement is financial proof from your bank that you haveenough money to cover your tuition and living expenses during your stay in the United Statesas an international students.
This is very important for F-1 visa holders and the USimmigration authorities require these documents.
You should also know that your bank statementdoes not need to be in English, you can submit a bank statement in your native language.
All bank statements and bank letters must be on bank letterhead, the special paper fromyour bank and include the name of the account holder, the account number and the total amountof funds.
To find out how much money you will need to show please go to our website andcheck under How To Apply For an F-1 Visa.
There you will find a table showing the minimumamount of money that needs to be presented on the bank statement.
Remember it is alwaysbetter to show more money than the required minimum.
After scanning the documents, please emailthem to us as JPEG or PDF files to info@bellschool.
You may also take pictures of your documents with your camera and send them as attachments.
After sending us your documents, you will need to pay your invoice.
This invoice willinclude Administrative fees only which must be paid in order to start with your registration.
These fees are a registration fee, a mailing fee, a processing fee, and a bank fee.
Pleaserefer to our website for the most recent fees we charge.
There are two ways to pay this invoice fromabroad.
The first option is through paypal.
It isthe fastest way to pay your invoice because it allows you to pay using your credit ordebit card online.
If you prefer to pay the invoice this way,then please request a paypal invoice from us.
The second option is bank wire transfer.
Thepayment instructions for bank wire transfer can be found at the bottom of your invoice.
Simply go to your bank, bring your invoice with you, and give it to the teller.
Pleasekeep in mind that you are responsible for paying the additional fees required by thebank to process the wire transfer.
If you have a relative or friend living inthe United States that can pay the invoice for you, just send them the invoice and askthem to contact us.
As for the tuition payment, don't worry.
Youdo not pay the fee right away.
The tuition is due upon arrival only when you arrive atour school for the first time.
Now that we've gone over the first step, let'smove on to Step 2.
Step 2, receive the international studentpackage! Once we get all your documents via email and receive your payment, we will sendyou an International Student Package, doesn't that sound fancy? Inside the package you willfind- Your I-20 student formYour Acceptance letter Your Receipt of paymentAnd a Bell School business card These documents are required in order to applyfor your visa interview.
Also, you will need them to take them with you to the interview.
Once we mail your documents, we will sendyou an email notification with a tracking number so that you can track your packageand not have to worry about when you will receive your package.
You'll know exactlywhen to expect it.
Please note that we cannot mail I-20 formsearlier than 120 days before your intended start date.
Ok, steps 1 and 2 are complete.
Feeling goodso far? Great! Let's move on to step 3! STEP 3.
Pay the SEVIS fee and speak with aDesignated School Official.
In this step, you will need to pay the SEVISfee (SEVIS Stands for Student and Exchange Visitor Information System.
which isan Internet based system, that maintains current information on non-immigrant students andexchange visitors as well as their dependents.
The current SEVIS fee is $200 and can be paidonline at the SEVIS website.
You can find detailed video instructions on how to paythe SEVIS fee on our website under the "How to Apply" section.
The SEVIS fee should be paid at least three days before applying for your interview.
Also,don't forget to take your SEVIS receipt the I-901 confirmation receipt with you to theinterview.
Before going to the interview at the US Embassy,you may request to speak with the Designated School Official from our school to discussany final concerns you may have.
Take advantage of this opportunity to speak with her as shehas a great deal of experience and will be able to answer any questions you may haveand give you useful tips and recommendations for your particular case.
Alright, that's 1, 2, and 3.
Apply for the visa interview and goto the US Embassy.
Now its time to schedule your visa interviewat the US embassy in your home country.
To find the closest embassy or consulate centervisit the following website: http://www.
Gov there you will find the list of all the embassiesaround the world.
You should choose the embassy that is closestto you.
For example, if you live in Japan, you should try to find an embassy that isin or near Tokyo, if you live near Tokyo.
Oh look, here it is.
Let's choose it.
Whenyou click on it, it will take you to the embassy's website in Tokyo, once you're there, pleasechoose your preferred language and look at the nonimmigrant visas section.
This willtake you to the page that has all the information you need in order to apply for your visa.
Please also note that if you're applying for a visa from within a country that is not thesame as your country of citizenship you will have to contact the US Embassy and ask whetherthat is possible or if you are required to apply from within your country of citizenship.
Regardless of the country you are in, you will need to fill out and submit an onlinenonimmigrant visa application form, or DS-160 form.
Fill out the DS-160 form at UStraveldocs.
Once you've filled out this form, you'll beable to make your appointment with the embassy.
There are some documents you will need toprepare to take with you to your visa interview.
These documents are: First, your passport,including all previous passports and visas from before.
Second, your financial documents: your or your sponsor's original bank statements toprove that you can support yourself financially during your stay.
Three- your SEVIS receipt.
That's the I-901 confirmation receipt.
Four- your international student package including your I-20 formFive- your appointment confirmation letter Six- if available proof of family and or personalpossessions or a letter from your employer or school or college official where you areenrolled, if you have this handy.
Please note that it is important to rememberthat each embassy has its own specific instructions for getting an F-1 visa and you should alwaysrefer to their website.
That said, please study the embassy website in your city whereyou're going to have your interview so that you will know exactly what you need to doand bring with you to the interview.
After having an interview and receiving yourF-1 visa it's time to get excited and pack your bags! STEP 5.
Pack your suitcase and COME to theUNITED STATES! Make travel plans and make sure to also e-mailthe school and inform us about your visa interview decision before buying your ticket to NewYork City.
Please also take the time to read the Bell Language School Prospective StudentHandbook carefully.
This contains all the information you need to know prior to yourarrival in the US.
It can be found on our website in the documents section.
Remember you can enter the US 30 days beforeyour intended start date but no earlier.
But, you can start packing as soon as you want.
Let us know about any problems or delays thatyou may encounter and we will do our best to help.
As an additional student service,we can meet you at the airport and get you to the place where you are planning to stay.
If you would like to be picked up from the airport please request an airport pickup atleast one week in advance or you can take a yellow cab if you prefer.
When you arrive in New York, please come seeus at Bell Language School as soon as can.
We have some more things for you to do beforeyou can start studying.
You will need to take a placement test before we can enroll you.
This is a very important test and needs to be taken before the first day of classes.
Please see a schedule of placement test dates on our website and please arrive 15 minutesearly to take this test.
We would also like to invite you to a newstudent orientation that takes place the Wednesday before the start of your session at 1:00pm.
New York City is a big city and there is somuch to do.
There are so many different places to go, things to see, all kinds of food toeat.
So plan your trip, come visit us at Bell and enjoy your time in New York City to thefullest.
We are looking forward to meeting you andhelping you achieve your goal of learning English.
We welcome you to Bell Language School.
Source: Youtube
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